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 RAF Stinson L-5's

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Sergeant Pilot
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RAF Stinson L-5's Empty
PostSubject: RAF Stinson L-5''s   RAF Stinson L-5's EmptyFri May 22, 2009 6:58 pm

Does anyone have any photos of Stinson's in RAF service, particularly any still flying? As far as I know there's only one Stinson in the UK at all, an airworthy one in US markings. As far as I know, the RAF only used Stinson L-5's in the far east, so would have the SEAC (South East Asia Command) roundel, which is dark blue on the outside and light blue inside, changed from the usual blue/white/red so the red circle wouldn't be misidentified as a Japanese aircraft.
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Admin from
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RAF Stinson L-5's Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Stinson L-5's   RAF Stinson L-5's EmptyFri Jun 12, 2009 8:28 am


How would one contact Duncan?


Here's a photo of a Commonwealth Sentinel being used for Brodie trials.

RAF Stinson L-5's Brodie06

There are a whole series of shots of that aircraft.

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Sergeant Pilot
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RAF Stinson L-5's Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Stinson L-5's   RAF Stinson L-5's EmptyFri Jun 12, 2009 8:49 am

Nice shot, where did you find them?
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Admin from
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RAF Stinson L-5's Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Stinson L-5's   RAF Stinson L-5's EmptyFri Jun 12, 2009 10:13 am

They are from the National Archives.

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RAF Stinson L-5's Empty
PostSubject: Re: RAF Stinson L-5's   RAF Stinson L-5's Empty

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RAF Stinson L-5's
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