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 Stinson L-5 on Christmas Day 1944, Philippines

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Stinson L-5 on Christmas Day 1944, Philippines Empty
PostSubject: Stinson L-5 on Christmas Day 1944, Philippines   Stinson L-5 on Christmas Day 1944, Philippines EmptyFri Dec 25, 2009 11:00 am

About 64 years ago today, the L-bird pilots were up and busily helping their fellow soldiers on the front lines.

Stinson L-5 on Christmas Day 1944, Philippines LbirdChristmas-1

The original caption reads:
Quote :
The 11th Airborne Division spends Christmas at Manawarat, on Leyte Island in the Philippines, and to properly celebrate the occasion turkey was flown in and shown here is a Vultee L-5 dropping fresh bread packed in barracks bags.

As someone on the Warbird Information Exchange (WIX) mentioned - that gives a different twist to "flour bombing."

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Stinson L-5 on Christmas Day 1944, Philippines
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