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 Fly-in at Cannon Field (53T) on Oct. 16, 2010

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Fly-in at Cannon Field (53T) on Oct. 16, 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Fly-in at Cannon Field (53T) on Oct. 16, 2010   Fly-in at Cannon Field (53T) on Oct. 16, 2010 EmptyWed Sep 08, 2010 12:53 pm

The Alamo Liaison Squadron would like to invite you to our fall fly-in on October 16th. This fall we are celebrating the fact that we are now officially listed in the AF/D as a public-use airport. Note that the current San Antonio sectional still shows us as a private field. The new identifier is 53T. We're just southwest of Stinson Municipal Airport on the southwest corner or the intersection of Loop 1604 and Applewhite Road.
Anyone that can get their aircraft in to Cannon Field is welcome to attend. We'll have some food, vintage military aircraft, and hopefully a theater running as well. This fly-in will be more informal than our annual Bluebonnet Picnic in the spring and should be lots of fun.

Here's a photo of the airstrip:

Fly-in at Cannon Field (53T) on Oct. 16, 2010 IMG_9560

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Admin from
Admin from

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Join date : 2009-01-01
Age : 42
Location : Dallas, Texas

Fly-in at Cannon Field (53T) on Oct. 16, 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fly-in at Cannon Field (53T) on Oct. 16, 2010   Fly-in at Cannon Field (53T) on Oct. 16, 2010 EmptyTue Oct 12, 2010 12:11 am

Everything is underway and still on track so far!

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Fly-in at Cannon Field (53T) on Oct. 16, 2010
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