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 Help me with unit emblem ID/colors........

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Join date : 2010-11-24

Help me with unit emblem ID/colors........ Empty
PostSubject: Help me with unit emblem ID/colors........   Help me with unit emblem ID/colors........ EmptyWed Nov 24, 2010 2:15 am

Hello I recently saw a photo of a J-3 (I think) in military marking and war era, it has the fuselage codes of 81 B and the "B" is underlined, on the nose is a cartoon design I believe to be a "Squadron" emblem and this is what I'm trying to find out about, the design is a Cartoon Bear cub sitting on a cloud ,he's holding in his left hand /paw opera glasses and looking downward towards another smaller cloud that 'appears " to have a small object under it (this could be a latchor something and not part of the design), it is all on a round background.

I do not have a color image or one to post here , but I would greatly appreciate any help from forum members if they know what this unit is and especially the colors to it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all and have a Great Thanksgiving !!!!!!!!!!!
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Help me with unit emblem ID/colors........
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