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 Repairing scratches in Plexiglass

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paul smith
Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Join date : 2009-01-11

Repairing scratches in Plexiglass Empty
PostSubject: Repairing scratches in Plexiglass   Repairing scratches in Plexiglass EmptyWed Sep 30, 2009 8:41 pm

Hey there,

I was replacing some phillips screws with slotted on my L-4 and as I was tightening down one of the last ones, the screwdriver slipped and put a nice 6" gash right down the middle of the center window of my upper door. I didn't want to spend the money on an aviation repair kit, so I tried an auto parts store. There were several to choose from, and I went for the cheapest. Turtle Wax has one for about $8. They're meant to repair yellowed or scratched headlight lenses.

It worked beautifully. Took me about 20 minutes and a sore arm, but the scratch was a bad one, and you can't even tell where it was now. Just follow the directions and you can't go wrong.

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Repairing scratches in Plexiglass
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