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 Alamo Liaison Squadron

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4 posters
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Alamo Liaison Squadron Empty
PostSubject: Alamo Liaison Squadron   Alamo Liaison Squadron EmptyFri Jan 02, 2009 8:23 pm

The Alamo Liaison Squadron maintains several L-birds. Below is a picture of the L-3 that late ALS member Henry Whitmore took care of for many years. It was originally restored by Hardy Cannon and Bill Stratton.

Alamo Liaison Squadron IMG_3895

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Sergeant Pilot
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Alamo Liaison Squadron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alamo Liaison Squadron   Alamo Liaison Squadron EmptyMon Jan 05, 2009 10:55 pm

What about the others in the squadron? Any pix?
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Admin from
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Alamo Liaison Squadron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alamo Liaison Squadron   Alamo Liaison Squadron EmptyMon Jan 05, 2009 10:59 pm

Yes, there are others. Right now I'm going on a slow release of information so I can keep some interest in the sight!

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Sergeant Pilot
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Alamo Liaison Squadron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alamo Liaison Squadron   Alamo Liaison Squadron EmptyTue Jan 06, 2009 1:45 am

How many birds does the ALS own? operate? maintain? How does one become a member? pilot?
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Admin from
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Alamo Liaison Squadron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alamo Liaison Squadron   Alamo Liaison Squadron EmptySun Mar 01, 2009 12:22 am

Sorry not to have answered this question sooner. If you want to join, you have to come out and submit a membership application (It's not hard). The biggest thing is showing up and letting the guys get to know you - then we vote on accepting the new member. Unless the dues have changed, it's $200/yr for the first year to be a member. After that it's less. To be a pilot, you need to have the tailwheel endorsement and demonstrate proficiency to one of the flight instructor members. We do NOT do instruction in the aircraft, except for checkouts. Also you have to have current and appropriate insurance coverage for the aircraft you want to fly.
Right now I think we're maintaining about 5 or 6 planes, but several members also have aircraft on the field, and most of the guys help each other out.
I just updated our website a bit. Including a link on the past events page to a photo gallery from Fredericksburg back in December.

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Admin from
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Alamo Liaison Squadron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alamo Liaison Squadron   Alamo Liaison Squadron EmptySun Mar 01, 2009 12:34 am

You can see our aircraft here:

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Sergeant Pilot
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Alamo Liaison Squadron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alamo Liaison Squadron   Alamo Liaison Squadron EmptySat Aug 14, 2010 12:33 am

How many birds does the ALS own?


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Alamo Liaison Squadron Empty
PostSubject: Re: Alamo Liaison Squadron   Alamo Liaison Squadron Empty

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