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 Heritage Airpark - March 28th

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Heritage Airpark - March 28th Empty
PostSubject: Heritage Airpark - March 28th   Heritage Airpark - March 28th EmptyTue Mar 10, 2009 12:24 am

Heritage Airpark, north east of San Antonio, has their annual fly-in on March 28th at their field. More information can be found here:

The two times I have been they've had a tent for military aviators / veterans and some neat guys out there. Often an L-bird or two from the Alamo Liaison Squadron will show up.

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Sergeant Pilot
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Heritage Airpark - March 28th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heritage Airpark - March 28th   Heritage Airpark - March 28th EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 2:09 pm

Hey that's cool, Ryan! YOu ever been to the Kingsbury Aerodrome? I may go to this fly in.
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Admin from
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Heritage Airpark - March 28th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heritage Airpark - March 28th   Heritage Airpark - March 28th EmptyFri Mar 13, 2009 2:47 pm

I don't think I've actually made it to Kingsbury. BTW, the Collins Foundation is at Stinson on the 18-19th (next week). I'm probably not going to the Heritage fly-in, much as I'd like to, because there's another event out in Hondo that I may attend. Some of the other ALS guys may go to Heritage, though.

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Heritage Airpark - March 28th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Heritage Airpark - March 28th   Heritage Airpark - March 28th Empty

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Heritage Airpark - March 28th
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