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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Join date : 2009-02-09
Age : 44
Location : Helotes

Hello everyone Empty
PostSubject: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyMon Feb 09, 2009 6:32 pm

Hey guys,
Nice to see an L-bird forum. I grew up on a cropdusting strip near Harlingen, Tx and we had all kinds of lbirds there, including an L-18 (it doubled as a museum). At the time, I didn't really care for those "little planes"--like most kids, I was glazing over the bigger airplanes like the T-6 that the agpilot flew for fun. I was getting ready to get some formal flight training in an L-4 from the agpilot when I heard the next morning that he suffered a heart attack and died. Next year I went to college and 4 years later I moved to San Antonio and now am training in a J3 Cub! Like they's the most fun you'll ever have with your clothes on Laughing
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Admin from
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Hello everyone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyMon Feb 09, 2009 10:54 pm


Welcome to the Lbirds forum. Since it sounds like you are in the San Antonio area we ought to get in touch and find a Saturday to meet down at Cannon Field. I was flying a J-3 down there Saturday.

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Age : 44
Location : Helotes

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyMon Feb 09, 2009 11:43 pm

I am in Helotes and fly out of Boerne since they have a cub and it's closer to me. Is there anyone in your area that is a tailwheel CFI? I'm looking around for alternatives.

I did go to Cannon Field a while ago when one of the members was selling his silver Champ...did he ever sell it? It was nicely restored. Seemed like a cool place!

I'm usually at the Texas Air Museum there at Stinson on Saturdays as a volunteer. We're trying to get a "fabric and tube" IA to check out that Cub they have so we can get it flying again. I think it was an L-4 turned J-3 and a 1942 model, but not sure. Would be nice to convert it back to L-4.

Yea, would be cool to meet up on a Saturday. Keep in touch!
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Admin from
Admin from

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Hello everyone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyMon Feb 09, 2009 11:50 pm

TexasNick wrote:
I am in Helotes and fly out of Boerne since they have a cub and it's closer to me. Is there anyone in your area that is a tailwheel CFI?
Yes, there are some, but I don't know if they're currently active. I'm close... Wink

Quote :
I'm looking around for alternatives.

I did go to Cannon Field a while ago when one of the members was selling his silver Champ...did he ever sell it? It was nicely restored.

I'm not sure if I know the one you are talking about.

Quote :
Seemed like a cool place!

I'm usually at the Texas Air Museum there at Stinson on Saturdays as a volunteer. We're trying to get a "fabric and tube" IA to check out that Cub they have so we can get it flying again. I think it was an L-4 turned J-3 and a 1942 model, but not sure. Would be nice to convert it back to L-4.

Yea, would be cool to meet up on a Saturday. Keep in touch!

I know that museum. I work across the field from it on weekdays and occasionally drop in to talk to Tosh (I left some of Box Seat Over Hell with him there). I hate to say it, but I feel there's a lot of potential at that museum, but not too much vision, or energy.

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Age : 44
Location : Helotes

Hello everyone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyTue Feb 10, 2009 10:24 am

Hi Ryan,
Are you a taildragger CFI or working on it? My CFI..I think...said he was 19. I'll have to ask again. Hard to find taildragger pilots younger than 30 these days.

Lots of people think the same you do about the Texas Air Museum (including myself), but the old guards don't want to change. No wonder they have a hard time keeping younger volunteers.

At the moment, I'm training for a sport pilot license and nearly bought a Cub a few months ago, but this economy is starting to scare me and may hold off unless I find a good deal somewhere. Anyways, I am nearly completed with my training. In the near future I hope to go private pilot. Maybe you can help me with that. Well, gotta do some flying in a bit. Tallk to you later.
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Admin from
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Hello everyone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptySun Jun 21, 2009 12:43 am


Good to see you today. Hope the rest of the day at Kingsbury went well.

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Age : 44
Location : Helotes

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptySun Jun 21, 2009 1:29 pm

RyanShort1 wrote:

Good to see you today. Hope the rest of the day at Kingsbury went well.


Hi Ryan,
Cool to finally meet you. Have you been there before? Pretty neat place. I enjoyed watching your L-5 flyby. Keep in touch.
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Admin from
Admin from

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PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptySun Jun 21, 2009 6:15 pm

No, that was my first time out to Kingsbury. Probably not the last.

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Join date : 2009-02-09
Age : 44
Location : Helotes

Hello everyone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello everyone   Hello everyone EmptyMon Jun 22, 2009 11:36 am

I think they are having another one in November. Should be cooler then.
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