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 ATTN L-5 pilots / owners

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Admin from
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ATTN L-5 pilots / owners Empty
PostSubject: ATTN L-5 pilots / owners   ATTN L-5 pilots / owners EmptyThu Jan 22, 2009 11:51 am

If you are an L-5 owner or pilot and take it to airshows, do you take anything with you graphics / brochure wise? If you are interested in having some literature or models to take to events let me know. Below is a sample of a portion of a brochure I took to Wings Over Houston and Lackland AFB this year. I still have some left and if you are interested in a sample I can send one for $12 including shipping and handling.

ATTN L-5 pilots / owners Stinso10

ATTN L-5 pilots / owners Stinso11

The brochure also included a copy of the L-5 model I had designed.

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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ATTN L-5 pilots / owners Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTN L-5 pilots / owners   ATTN L-5 pilots / owners EmptyThu Jan 22, 2009 12:47 pm

Ryan, I may want one later as my L-5 is quite a ways from flying.
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Admin from
Admin from

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Join date : 2009-01-01
Age : 42
Location : Dallas, Texas

ATTN L-5 pilots / owners Empty
PostSubject: Re: ATTN L-5 pilots / owners   ATTN L-5 pilots / owners EmptyThu May 13, 2010 9:06 am

This offer is still valid for any L-5 or for that matter any other L-bird owners as well. We can design airshow brochures for you!

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PostSubject: Re: ATTN L-5 pilots / owners   ATTN L-5 pilots / owners Empty

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