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 What do you know thats stored?

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tony hoskins
Sergeant Pilot
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What do you know thats stored? Empty
PostSubject: What do you know thats stored?   What do you know thats stored? EmptyFri Jan 09, 2009 8:19 pm

Over here in the UK, its fairly rare to find hidden gems stored away in barns and sheds. Even in my neck of the woods there is rumoured to be a vintage DH Puss Moth hidden away but I've yet to find it. We get quite a few vintage gliders left to rot as their value decreases, indeed hopefully I'm going to be rebuilding one for a customer later this year - but what do you guys have over stateside?

Does your local airstrip have an old barnstorming stearman looking for a home, or a Willys Jeep in need of love and attention? A Beech 18 looking for someone to stretch its wings?

Photos would be fantastic!

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The Col.
Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot
The Col.

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What do you know thats stored? Empty
PostSubject: Re: What do you know thats stored?   What do you know thats stored? EmptySat Jan 10, 2009 2:24 am

Well I just found out about the old Martin Aircraft B-26 production buildings had all sort of stuff in the basement like three complete R-2800 still in the cans plus some B-26 parts.

I've heard arumor about some other stuff over at martin State Airport might have to do some checking out.

Also have heard about a guy who might have a few Vintage aircraft in his barn,trying to get his address so I can pop in sometime and take a look see.
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