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 Help ID'ing likely L-5 frame wreckage

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Join date : 2009-05-08

Help ID'ing likely L-5 frame wreckage Empty
PostSubject: Help ID'ing likely L-5 frame wreckage   Help ID'ing likely L-5 frame wreckage EmptyFri Apr 17, 2015 3:29 am

Dear L-Birds,

I'm posting this in the L-5 folder, but preface this message that the wreck in question could be another type.

I was sent this photo of a, tubular frame of a Liaison aircraft from World War II.

Photo reference:

This is the only photo I have, sorry and isn't very high resolution.

Does the community agree this is an L-5? And, from this photo is there any way to confirm that or tell if a sub-type of that variant?

Thank you,
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Help ID'ing likely L-5 frame wreckage
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