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 Aeronca L-3 T-Shirts Available

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Steven M. Dennis
Sergeant Pilot
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Join date : 2010-03-09

Aeronca L-3 T-Shirts Available Empty
PostSubject: Aeronca L-3 T-Shirts Available   Aeronca L-3 T-Shirts Available EmptyFri Mar 09, 2012 5:50 pm

If any of you L-3 lovers out there are looking for a neat T-shirt to display your pride in our loveable little Grasshopper, look no further...

After looking around at airshows and fly-ins for a decent L-3 shirt and coming up empty handed, I decided to have some L-3 artwork drawn up and converted to screen print art so I could make my own.

I had a bunch made up for family and friends, but of course, to get the best deal, I made up a bunch of extras, and thought I would offer them to other L-3 lovers.

I am not sure how to attach a photo of the artwork, so if you are interested, just shoot me an e-mail at the address below, and I will get you a pic of the artwork right away.

They are $15.00 each plus the postage and are nice 100% pre-shrunk cotton T-shirts sizes small through XX-L.


Steve Dennis
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Aeronca L-3 T-Shirts Available
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