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 I need help with USMC Piper AE-1 Info

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Join date : 2010-06-23

I need help with USMC Piper AE-1 Info Empty
PostSubject: I need help with USMC Piper AE-1 Info   I need help with USMC Piper AE-1 Info EmptySun Jun 27, 2010 11:53 am

I'm in the process of restoring a Piper Ae-1 air ambulance. The one I have was assigned to MCAS Quantico VA from 1942. There were only 100 AE=1 made, and 10 went to the Marines. I've found pictures and drawings of the USN version of the plane, but nothing on what a USMC paint scheme would look like. I know some of the untility and trainer planes looked the same as their USN counter parts, except for "MARINES" painted on the side. If anyone has any info on where to look for this, please send it. (I've already written the Smithsonian, Naval Aviation Museum, and the Piper Museum. They only have info on the USN scheme).

If there are any Marine aviatiors out there that remember these birds, please let me know.

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I need help with USMC Piper AE-1 Info
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