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 Insignia Research

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Bob Watkins
Sergeant Pilot
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Insignia Research Empty
PostSubject: Insignia Research   Insignia Research EmptyThu Nov 19, 2009 4:12 pm

I'm currently doing research into the WWII history of the 25th Liaison Squadron
and have run into what appears to be a not uncommon situation during the war.

In spite of the fact that this outfit had its own approved insignia (18 Jan 43),
I have come across numerous photos depicting a different design bearing the
inscription 'Guinea Short Lines' and featuring the full side profile of a jumping

I was hoping someone on this Forum might be able to provide some insight into
this latter 'Short Lines' image.

Any help will be appreciated.
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Sergeant Pilot
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Insignia Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Insignia Research   Insignia Research EmptyThu May 02, 2013 2:20 am

Hey Bob, sorry to see you haven't gotten any replies via your post, it is my understanding the design on their "L" birds was just white , the "Roo" and the wording .........................
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Bob Watkins
Sergeant Pilot
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Insignia Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Insignia Research   Insignia Research EmptyThu May 02, 2013 3:21 pm

Hey Johnny,

Thanks for weighing in on this one.

I was hoping someone on this forum might have some sort of paper trail regarding the
unapproved Guinea Short Lines emblem but no such luck apparently.

I was able to establish that this design appeared in both whits and yellow paint but still
no field orders relating to its use.

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Insignia Research Empty
PostSubject: Re: Insignia Research   Insignia Research EmptyThu May 02, 2013 5:29 pm

Yeah , looks like another one of those "lost to history" stories, no one back in the day had any idea the future generations would have interests in this type of thing, sad , but that's life.

I guess if you could find anyone from the unit that flew with them or crewed the Lbirds "Maybe" they would be able to help , anyway good luck on it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you tried to see if they have a current "Reunion" gathering, they may have a historian that could help on the design etc .
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PostSubject: Re: Insignia Research   Insignia Research Empty

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