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 L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB

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L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB Empty
PostSubject: L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB   L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB EmptyMon Nov 09, 2009 12:45 pm

This weekend we took three of the ALS aircraft to Randolph AFB for the annual San Antonio military airshow. Here are a few shots of our formation flight over:

L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB IMG_6092

L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB IMG_6099

L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB IMG_6105

L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB IMG_6107

L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB IMG_6113

L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB IMG_6118
Headed down...

L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB IMG_6120
One more turn on the way down...

L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB IMG_6123
Coming off of an S-turn for spacing before lining up to land.

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Sergeant Pilot
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L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB   L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB EmptyMon Nov 09, 2009 9:28 pm

Formation looks good, but why is the fast plane tailend Charlie and the slow plane in the lead? Air base shows are my favorites, they always take good care of you when you do a base show.
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Admin from
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L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB   L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB EmptyMon Nov 09, 2009 10:00 pm

Fast plane is tail-end charlie because it's easier for me to keep up in a turn that way. Also, since I'm the newest, most rookie guy, I can catch up if I need to get out for spacing and safety.

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Sergeant Pilot
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L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB   L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB EmptyMon Nov 09, 2009 10:45 pm

Just giving you grief.
The -2, -5 and stearman usually run off and leave me in the L-4 on the way home from fly-overs.
How many (no longer active duty) military planes did they have doing static display at Randolph? Did you guy stay over or just go in the day of the show?
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Admin from
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L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB Empty
PostSubject: Re: L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB   L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB EmptyMon Nov 09, 2009 11:41 pm

I didn't really get a count. Stayed fairly close to our aircraft it being also close the "Bud Light Lounge" L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB Icon_eek That's not my idea of a good place for fabric covered aircraft, but thankfully the Randolph crowd seems a lot less belligerent than the Kelly crowd.
We went in the night before. The other two guys pulled out on Saturday night due to the forecast, and I left the plane on static yesterday while I went to church meeting. Wish I'd pulled out Saturday, too, because of the rain. Anyway, the plane survived and we flew it home this evening.

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L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB Empty
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L-5 and other ALS stuff on static display at Randolph AFB
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