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 Looking for information on the L-4F

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Looking for information on the L-4F Empty
PostSubject: Looking for information on the L-4F   Looking for information on the L-4F EmptySun Mar 13, 2011 8:36 pm

Hi, I am looking for information on the L-4F, which was the designation for the Piper J-5A, during WW2. Any information, pictures would be appreciated.

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Sergeant Pilot
Sergeant Pilot

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Join date : 2011-07-04

Looking for information on the L-4F Empty
PostSubject: Re: Looking for information on the L-4F   Looking for information on the L-4F EmptyMon Jul 04, 2011 11:13 am

i own a piper L4F/J5A N57891....i've got my "card" from maxwell a.f.b., showing where it was stationed during the war etc., but i would like info on how she might have been painted at the time.....any help would be appreciated.
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Looking for information on the L-4F
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